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Test Equipment
R8000C 1GHz Premier Package With Extended Generate Outut Range
R8000C 1GHz Premier Package With Extended Generate Outut Range
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Short description:
Includes R8-CF - Cable Fault Locator R8-Remote - Remote Control Software R8-TG - Tracking Generator R8-ESA - Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer / Dual Scope R8-3Y - Three Year Service Plan R8-GEN_EXT - Extended Generator Output Range
Protocol Options:
R8-P25 - APCO P25 Phase 1
R8-P25TRNK - APCO P25 Phase 1 Trunking (Requires R8-P25)
R8-P25_II - APCO P25 Phase 2
R8-P25_VOC - P25 Vocoder
R8-P25_EXP - P25 Explicit Mode Trunking
R8-DMR - DMR conventional (Tier 2)
R8-DMR_RPTR - DMR Live Repeater (Requres R8-DMR)
R8-DMR_RPTR - DMR Live Repeater (Requres R8-DMR)
R8-DMR_T3MS - DMR Tier III Subscriber Test (Requires R8-DMR)
R8-NXDNTYPC - NXDN "Type C" Trunking
R8-TETRA_BSM - TETRA Base Station Monitoring
R8-TETRA_BST1 - TETRA Base Station T1 Test
R8-TETRA_TMO - TETRA TMO Subscriber Test
R8-TETRA_DMO - TETRA DMO Subscriber Test
R8-DPMR - dPMR (Digital Private Mobile Radio)
R8-PTC_ACSES - Positive Train Control - ACSES
R8-PTC_ITCR - Positive Train Control - ITCR
R8-AVIONICS - Avionics Ramp Test Option
AutoTune Options:
R8-AT_TRBO - AutoTune for MOTOTRO Mobiles and Portables
R8-AT_XTL - AutoTune for XTL 1500/2500/5000 Mobiles
R8-AT_XTS - AutoTune for XTS 1500/2500/5000 Portables
R8-AT_APX - AutoTune for APX 1000/2000/4000/6000/7000 Series Mobiles and Portables
R8-AT_APX8000 - AutoTune for APX 8000/8500
R8-AT_NX3K/5K - AutoTune for KENWOOD NX3000/5000 Radios
R8-AT_NX3K/5K - AutoTune for KENWOOD NX3000/5000 Radios
R8-AT_KWNX - AutoTune for KENWOOD NX Series Mobiles and Portables
R8-AT_VIKING - AutoTune for KENWOOD Viking Series Radios
R8-AT_XG-75 - AutoTune for Harris XG-75/P7300/M7300 Series Mobiles and Portables
R8-AT_XM100 - AutoTune for Harris XM100 Radios
R8-AT_XL200 - AutoTune for Harris XL200 Radios
R8-AT_KNG - AutoTune for BK KNG Portables
R8-AT_KNGS - AutoTune for BK KNG-S Series Portables
R8-AT_HYTERA - AutoTune for Hytera DMR Radios
R8-AT_TDFM9 - AutoTune for Technisonic TDFM 9000 Series Radios
Other Software Options:
R8-PAT - Process Automation Toolkit
R8-3G - 3 GHz Operation
R8-CF - Cable Fault Locator
R8-Remote - Remote Control Software
R8-TG - Tracking Generator
R8-ESA - Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer / Dual Scope
R8-SSB - Single Side Band
R8-GEN_EXT - Extended Generator Output Range
Extended Service Plans:
R8-3Y - Three Year Service Plan
R8-5Y - Five Year Service Plan
R8-5Y Upgrade - Five Year Service Plan for R8000-1G Premier (Upgrade from 3 Year)
Power Accessories:
BATT8100 - Spare Battery for R8100/R8200 only (one is included)
CHRG8100 - Desktop Quick Charger for R8100/R8200 battery
CPS102 - AC Adaptor for R8000
EA11011H(19) - AC Adaptor for R8100/R8200
CCW171 - Power Cord for R8000/R8100/R8200
BEM1512 - 12V - 24V DC Adapter for R8000
ED1010A(16) - 12V - 16V DC Adapter for R8100/R8200
Transport Accessories:
R8-SC - Soft Carrying Case
R9-TC - Transit Case with foam molding for Glove Case
R8-GC - Protective glove case with LCD protection - R8100
AutoTune Accessories:
202161-01 - Breakout Box for Motorola APX & XTL mobile AutoTune audio tests
USB-CS - Current Sensor for APX PA Bias measurements
RLN4460 - Audio Breakout Box for Motorola radios
203012-01 - Programming Cable for KENWOOD Viking portable radios
203013-01 - Audio test box for KENWOOD Viking mobile radios
203014-01 - High-power audio cable for KENWOOD Viking mobile radios
KNBB78 - Breakout Box and cables for Kenwood NX Series radios
Harris XG-75P AutoTune Kit - Accessory Kit for Harris XG-75 Series & P7300 Portables
TTL-232RG-VSW3V3-WE_M - USB programming cable for Harris XG-75, XG-75P, XG-75Pe and P7300 Portables
19B801496G2 - Antenna Adaptor for Harris XG-75, XG-75P, XG-75Pe and P7300 Portables
CA-023407-002 - Audio Test Cable for Harris XG-75, XG-75P, XG-75Pe and P7300 Portables
BCM676 - USB to Serial Adaptor for Harris XG-75M & M7300 Mobiles
MATQ-03424 - Test Box for Harris XG-75P Portables
Harris XG-75M AutoTune Kit - Accessory Kit for Harris XG-75M & M7300 Mobiles
202161-02 - Breakout Box for Harris XG-75M & M7300 Mobiles
MC-101616-041_M - Microphone Cable for Harris XG-75M & M7300 Mobiles
14002-0174-7 - Speaker Cable for Harris XG-75M & M7300 Mobiles
MXT100 - Serial Cable (6 ft.) for Harris XG-75M & M7300 Mobiles
AC Number:
FR8000C-1G Premier
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R8-CF - Cable Fault Locator
R8-Remote - Remote Control Software
R8-TG - Tracking Generator
R8-ESA - Enhanced Spectrum Analyzer / Dual Scope
R8-3Y - Three Year Service Plan
R8-GEN_EXT - Extended Generator Output Range
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